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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc. -
Semi-Weekly Review of Significant News - January 17, 2005
Just about everybody will tell you that Abu Mus-ab Al Zarqawi is behind the "insurgents" (terrorists) in Iraq. They're wrong. Zarqawi is but a puppet on a string. The real culprit was the Hebrew prophet Daniel's nemesis as well--the "Prince of Persia." You can read about it in Daniel 10.
This demonic spirit-being headquartered in Iraq and Iran millennia ago and he still does as spirit-beings don't die. Instead, they are neutralized in spiritual warfare: "For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12). Terrorists, nations, and cultures, can be shaped by demonic beings such as the "Prince of Persia."
He is a mighty fallen angel--a demon. With God's permission, he was and is allowed power and influence. Reading on in Daniel, only when the prophet called on the archangel Michael was the "Prince of Persia" able to be subdued back then. Daniel fasted for 21 days over the predicament and then came the breakthrough.
That region--Iraq and Iran--have been, and continue to be, the center of seen and unseen warfare from ancient times. In Daniel, God pulls back the curtain and briefly exposes the wars that continue in Heaven and their effect on earth.
Once again this "prince" is an opposing spirit seeking to conflict with the security of the world in the region. In Daniel's day, the "Prince of Persia" wanted to destroy Israel more than anything else. You can expect his influence to remain strong in the region, and particularly with those who wish to eradicate Israel.
Here is the real power behind the "insurgents" in Iraq. As Daniel fasted and prayed for assistance, so are we as believers today to do the same for that region. Spiritual warfare may be as effective as mortars and assault weapons though now those are needed as well. But, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him" (Isaiah 59:19 KJV).
Keep this in mind as the world lunges towards its climactic encounter with Jesus Christ and His return. We can safely assume that the belligerence of the "Prince of Persia" will escalate unless we wage an offensive "spiritual war" against him. We may be as effective as Daniel was in neutralizing the "Prince of Persia" and even save lives in the region over which this "prince" delights in causing mayhem and murder.
Awaiting His return,
Jan Markell
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