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America’s Finite Future?
Near the beginning of “Saturday Night Fever,” John Travolta’s Tony Manero, frustrated that his boss thinks he should save his salary instead of spending it on a new disco shirt, cries out, “Fuck the future!” To which his boss replies: “No, Tony, you can’t fuck the future. The future fucks you! It catches up with you and it fucks you if you ain’t prepared for it!”
Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but America has morphed into a nation of Tony Maneros — collectively dismissing the future. And nowhere is this mindset more prevalent than at the Bush White House, which is unwavering in its determination to ignore the future.
Þeim alkristnustu er náttúrulega skítsama um framtíðina og ástand Jarðar, Jesús er nefnilega alveg að fara að koma til þess að taka góða fólkið upp til himna. Samkvæmt Hinu Heilaga Orði er Jörðin nefnilega bara 'temporary'.
Index of Articles Relating to the Rapture Doctrine
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