
Ancient Babylon's bricks crushed by tanks
The British Museum said U.S. and Polish forces in Iraq have crushed part of ancient Babylon's 2,600-year-old brick paved streets with their tanks and used soil containing archeological artifacts to fill sandbags. The museum is concerned U.S.-led troops, including U.S. marines and the Polish force who have occupied the ancient Mesopotamian capital, have inflicted widespread damage to the ancient centre of civilization, said a report released yesterday.
"This is tantamount to establishing a military camp around the Great Pyramid in Egypt or around Stonehenge in Britain," wrote the report's author, John Curtis, curator of the museum's Near East department.
Hvaða máli skipta miðausturlenskar fornminjar þegar hagsmunir Bandaríkjanna eru í húfi?
Pólverjar svara ásökununum:
Polish military deny damaging Babylon
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KBR gives Babylon a makeover
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