Áhrif heimsvæðingarinnar í Suður-Ameríku

Eyðing Amazon-regnskógarins hefur sjaldan verið hraðari en nú
Mogginn tekur fram að með eyðingu skógarins sé verið að búa til ræktarland, en lætur það liggja á milli hluta að ræktarland þetta sé undir sojabaunir, til útfluttnings.
Ítarlegri frétt BBC:
Amazon destruction accelerating
Úr þessari athyglisverðu skýrslu (pdf):
Since the early 1990s, Brazil has accelerated the pace of economic liberalization. The reforms, however, have failed to promote the dynamic integration of the Brazilian economy into the world economy. Economic growth has been slow and the country’s export profile has been reinforced rather than altered by the new policies. This has adverse consequences for sustainability, as many manufacturing and agricultural export industries in Brazil continue to be potentially environmentally damaging. Brazil’s comparative advantages are based on the intensive use of natural resources and energy. In agriculture, soy production nearly doubled in the second half of the 1990s, putting added pressure on fragile lands.
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