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Naomi Klein: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
In January Condoleezza Rice sparked a small controversy by describing the tsunami as “a wonderful opportunity” that “has paid great dividends for us.” Many were horrified at the idea of treating a massive human tragedy as a chance to seek advantage. But, if anything, Rice was understating the case. A group calling itself Thailand Tsunami Survivors and Supporters says that for “businessmen-politicians, the tsunami was the answer to their prayers, since it literally wiped these coastal areas clean of the communities which had previously stood in the way of their plans for resorts, hotels, casinos and shrimp farms. To them, all these coastal areas are now open land!” Disaster, it seems, is the new terra nullius.Hér er svo enn eitt dæmi um hina miklu hræsni Bandaríkjastjórnar, ætti reyndar ekki að koma neinum nema algjörum fáfræðlingum á óvart.
Bush silent as top terrorist seeks US asylum
“If you harbor terrorists, you are a terrorist,” were the words used by President George W. Bush in justifying the invasion of Afghanistan three-and-a-half years ago and launching the campaign of worldwide militarism known as the global war on terror. However this does not seem to apply to terrorists that inflict terror on countries like Cuba or Venezuela. Case in point being the CIA-trained Posada Carriles who entered the US illegally and is currently asking for asylum.
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