Andspyrnan í Írak og óvinir hennar

Hér er áhugaverð grein úr New York Times, þar sem talað er um nýjasta útspil Bandaríkjamanna gegn andspyrnunni í Írak, Generálinn Adnan Thabit, alvöru rudda sem svífst víst einskis.
Early one evening, I [Peter Maass] was sitting in his office when an officer entered with a click of his heels—an Iraqi salute of sorts. He reported to Adnan that a rebel weapons cache had been discovered, and Adnan congratulated him—but issued a warning. ‘’If even one AK-47 is stolen,’’ he said, ‘’I will kill you.’’ After a pause, he smiled and refined the threat. ‘’No,’’ he said, ‘’I will kill your’’—and he used a coarse word that referred to the officer’s most private body part. There was nervous laughter. Everyone seemed certain that not a single gun, or single anything, would go missing.Í skýrslu írösku andspyrnunnar frá mánudeginum 18. apríl kemur eftirfarandi fram:
The puppet police reported that 10 armed men enter the home of Major General ‘Adnan Thabit in Baghdad and killed him and one of his relatives, according to Reuters.Þar fór það.
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