$100 ferðavélar fyrir börn þriðja heimsins

MIT developing $100 laptops for children
Negroponte and some MIT colleagues are hard at work on a project they hope will brighten the lives and prospects of hundreds of millions of developing world kids.
It's a grand idea and a daunting challenge: to create rugged, Internet- and multimedia-capable laptop computers at a cost of $100 apiece.
The mission: to make laptops as ubiquitous as cell phones in technology-deprived regions. Negroponte's pitch: The cost of a laptop comes in far lower than a child's textbook expenses for the computer's lifespan.
Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed "electronic ink" or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen.
Then, give it Wi-Fi access, and add USB ports to hook up peripheral devices.
Most importantly, take profits, sales costs and marketing expenses out of the picture.
Gott mál.
Ef John Negroponte er með puttana í einhverju, þá er það ekki nein góðgerðastarfsemi, held ég...
Ég fékk hland fyrir hjartað þegar ég fór að kynna mér hann Negroponte, en kíkti svo aftur á greinina og sá eftirfarandi:
The students were equipped with notebook computers by a foundation run by MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte and his wife Elaine.
Hjúkk :)
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