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Report: Little progress toward halving world hunger
Though the number of hungry people in developing countries fell in the early 1990's, that trend was later reversed, the Rome-based agency said in its annual report on world hunger. By 2000-2002 the figure stood at 815 million, just 9 million below the 1990-1992 estimate.
The report drew said the present levels of hunger cause the death of more than 5 million children every year -- or one child every five seconds
Óstöðvandi mannfjölgun er vandamálið. Hvernig dettur nokkrum heilvita manni í hug að vistkerfi Jarðarinnar geti staðið undir þessum fjölda til lengdar?
Church in Africa continues AIDS fight without condoms
Kaþólska kirkjan náttúrulega alltaf að rembast við að fylla himnaríki. Börnum ungað út til þess eins að deyja.
Dýrð sé vonda kallinum á himnum og hans hyski.
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