Lyfjafyrirtæki með athyglisbrest

Doctor says drugs should be last resort for ADHD
Ætli lyfjafyrirtækin eyði miklum fjármunum í rannsóknir á því hvernig megi lækna sjúkdóma án lyfja?
Pharmaceuticals Rank as Most Profitable Industry, Again (PDF)
In a year that saw a drop in employment rates, a plunge in the stock market and symbols of America’s economy literally come crashing down, the pharmaceutical industry continued its reign as the most profitable industry in the annual Fortune 500 list.
While the overall profits of Fortune 500 companies declined by 53 percent – the second deepest dive in profits the Fortune 500 has taken in its 47 years1 – the top 10 U.S. drug makers increased profits by 33 percent.
Collectively, the 10 drug companies in the Fortune 500 topped all three of the magazine’s measures of profitability in 2001, according to Fortune magazine’s annual analysis of America’s largest companies.
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