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In rare case, defendant seeks execution
"I only wish the judge to sentence me to death so no one can feel responsible for another's death, including mine," Marco Allen Chapman wrote in a letter to Judge Tony Frohlich read in court in October.
Harding said people like Chapman who seek execution are using the state to fulfill a death wish.
"It's almost like he wants to commit suicide and he wants the state to assist in his suicide," she said. "He knows his options. It sounds like he's looking for some control."
Refsingin felst sem sagt ekki í sjálfri aftökunni, heldur í því að sakborningnum má ekki finnast hann hafa stjórn á því hvort hann lifir eða deyr. Strax og viðkomandi er kominn með puttana í málið fer allt til fjandans. Þvílíkur god-complex hjá yfirvöldum.

Ætli Chapman sjái þetta kannski sem síðasta hálmstráið, að rugla í kerfinu með því að þykjast vilja deyja?
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