Hugsað um lítilmagnann í Venesúela

Good Things Happening in Venezuela
The author after a recent visit: “President Hugo Chavez, proved to be an educated, articulate, remarkably well-informed and well-read individual. He manifests a sincere dedication to effecting some salutary changes for the great mass of his people, a person who in every aspect seems worthy of the decent and peaceful democratic revolution he is leading. Millions of his compatriots correctly perceive him as being the only president who has ever paid attention to the nation’s poorest areas. No wonder he is the target of calumny and coup from the upper echelons in his own country and from ruling circles up north.”
þú ert illa upplýstur, að hafa skifað þetta sýnir bara vanþekkingu og vondan málstað
Og þú sýnir að þú ert afar móttækileg(ur) fyrir heilaþvætti.
Annars ættirðu að rökstyðja þennan punkt hjá þér... því án rökstuðnings er þessi munnræpa þín einskis virði og segir okkur hreinlega meira um þig en mig.
Ég er sérstaklega forvitinn að vita hver þessi "vondi" málstaður er?
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