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Truckers recruited in war on terror
"Truck driver normally runs the same route every day. He is used to his surroundings," said Dave Huneryager, president of the Tennessee Trucking Association. "Something may jump out at him."
Longtime trucker Ernie Sherrill agrees: "You see a lot of things."
Besides looking out for potential threats, such as a tanker truck parked for an extended period near a bridge or overpass, volunteers are trained to "avoid becoming a target of terrorists."
"The Highway Watch effort seeks to prevent terrorists from using large vehicles or hazardous cargoes as weapons," according to a program statement.
Training for membership takes about an hour, said Stephanie Fouts, Highway Watch program manager. She said each of the "tens of thousands" of members is assigned an identification number to use when making a report to the around-the-clock operation.
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