$7.5 trillion

Staggering National Debt Worries Economists
Thus far, interest rates have remained relatively low. Foreign governments, including Japan and China, have proved eager to purchase Treasury bonds, affording the federal government a nice rate of return. About 42 percent of America’s debt is held by other nations _ including $500 billion in the hands of China, $720 billion with Japan and $100 billion each in South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.Ég held að þessi kynslóð, sem nú fer með völd í hinum vestræna heimi verði algerlega fordæmd í sögubókum framtíðarinnar (ef þær verða þá nokkurn tíman skrifaðar), fólkið sem ekki bara beindi byssunni að höfði Móður Náttúru, heldur tók í gikkinn líka.
It also means someone, somewhere along the line is going to be left holding the bill. Critics maintain the present generation is enjoying the fruits and shipping the bill to the next.
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