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Iraqi forces find suspected chemical weapons lab [in Falluja]
Iraq's interim National Security Adviser Kasim Dawood announced the discovery of the suspected chemical weapons lab [in Falluja] which he said was "manufacturing death, intoxication and assassination."
"We have also discovered in this laboratory a pamphlet and instructions showing how to manufacture explosives and toxins," Dawood said. "And they also talk about the production of anthrax."
Kæmi mér ekki á óvart þótt megnið af þessu væri tómt kjaftæði þegar allt kemur til alls. Nú þurfa þeir bara að endurtaka þetta nógu oft þannig að fólk fari að trúa þessu, þar með er blóðbaðið í Falluja réttlætt.
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